Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Upside Down Dog

By living in tight quarters with three other girls, I've started to pick up some of their habits. While some, like becoming addicted to Private Practice and eating an entire box of chocolates in one sitting, haven't become some of my best qualities, others I find are quite beneficial.

My roommates are fit machines. Each has a couple of marathons, half-marathons, and bulging biceps under her belt. It's inspirational - so much so that I have become determined to be as nimble and flexible as they.

My professional trainers (aka roommates) have suggested yoga as a way to achieve my goal. I've watched a couple of videos, done a few sun salutations, and goggled as my roommates twist and contort their bodies as a start. The position names are proving to be a bit hard to grasp. I have called the downward facing dog position "upside down dog" more than once.

Here I am posting a picture for reasons two fold: 1. To see how three months of yoga will improve my flexibility, and 2. To make myself accountable. I will achieve that perfect v-shape form of the downward facing dog position I see Rodney doing his DVD (thanks Jeremy).

Anyone who practices can obtain success in yoga but not one who is lazy. Constant practice alone is the secret of success.
-Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Seems like yoga, and my roommates, might have a little more to teach me than just how to do a perfect downward facing dog.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! You linked me to "eating an entire box of chocolate in one sitting." PERFECT for my mood today. Now I feel that I should tell the world that it turned out that I wasn't that into Lent after all.
