My roommates are fit machines. Each has a couple of marathons, half-marathons, and bulging biceps under her belt. It's inspirational - so much so that I have become determined to be as nimble and flexible as they.
My professional trainers (aka roommates) have suggested yoga as a way to achieve my goal. I've watched a couple of videos, done a few sun salutations, and goggled as my roommates twist and contort their bodies as a start. The position names are proving to be a bit hard to grasp. I have called the downward facing dog position "upside down dog" more than once.
Here I am posting a picture for reasons two fold: 1. To see how three months of yoga will improve my flexibility, and 2. To make myself accountable. I will achieve that perfect v-shape form of the downward facing dog position I see Rodney doing his DVD (thanks Jeremy).
Anyone who practices can obtain success in yoga but not one who is lazy. Constant practice alone is the secret of success.
-Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Seems like yoga, and my roommates, might have a little more to teach me than just how to do a perfect downward facing dog.
Ha! You linked me to "eating an entire box of chocolate in one sitting." PERFECT for my mood today. Now I feel that I should tell the world that it turned out that I wasn't that into Lent after all.