Never has the sun brought so much joy to my life than today. After tweleve consecutive days of thick cloud cover, pouring rain, and thunder so loud it made me want to curl up with my mommy, the sun has finally come out.
It's rainy season in Mexico. From July to October, daily rain storms are the norm. This rainy season however has been pretty dry, raining only every few days and only at night. Not anymore. I've had a healthy daily dosing of cats and dogs for almost two weeks now. It's so damp my walls are wet, my towel never dries, and the smell of mildew has become the smell of home.
Thank goodness for the sun today. I was becoming a depressed zombie around my kids who only wanted to crawl into bed and watch movies until the rain stopped and the clouds rolled away. Fully taking advantage of the sun by writing this blog post in doors. Must end, move outside, and get my Vitamin D.
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