Not music to my ears. Whenever the power goes out, a little black box in my house notifies me kindly with a horrible sequence of three beeps over and over and over again until the power returns.
That wonderful black box is located in my bedroom.
Usually the power returns within the half hour, but today the power outage lasted FIVE hours. This of course coincided with my one morning off of the week forcing me out of my house. No sleeping in, no wasting time on the internet, no laying around my bed in solitude.
However, I have to admit that because of the incessant beeping, I ended up doing some physical activity for once at the track (surprise) and later hanging out with the directors and other caregivers. Dare I say I thank that black box for forcing me out of my house? For finding something a little more worth my time than internet surfing and snoring away? I love life’s ironies.
But if you little black box decide to beep for that long again, I promise you I will punch you in the face.
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