As volunteers, we aren't so privileged to be a part of the radio network. From a practical standpoint, it's not extremely necessary for us to have one as we are more here as extra help and can be contacted by a phone call or door knock if need be. Still, I envied my fellow co-workers, directors and caregivers whose back-and-forth of "Olguin, Olguin" - "Adelante" I wanted to be a part of.

I never thought I would rise to such status, but just this past Friday, Sophie and I, after nine-and-a-half months of volunteering, were each awarded a radio. For the first time this week, I have heard my name coming from the radio. The call of "Naomi, Naomi" effusing from the speaker has been music to my ears and an affirmation that I have established myself in NPH as more than a temporary, occasional volunteer presence.
The award of the radio came because the women's director will be out-of-town on vacation for the next couple weeks. Her vacancy left just one caregiver in charge of the seventy girls in the house. Sophie and I are to help the lone caregiver in her absence and hereby donned on us two radios.
It's been a unique week - one in which by girls have asked me permission to do things more than ever before, one in which the director of the house has given Sophie and me important responsibilities, and one in which, for the first time, we will be full-time parental figures in-charge of the girls this weekend in their wake-ups, chores, activities, permission to leave the house, and everything in between.
I thank-you, radio, for the responsibility you have give me.
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