So I started to take action. I either gave the bus driver exact change, or if I gave him more, I held out my hand expectedly, waiting. It worked for the most part until this past weekend. Sophie and I got on a bus, and the bus driver told us $5.50 each. We proceeded to argue with him, but he refused to charge us the normal $4.50. We walked off the bus to wait for the next one.
Second bus, same thing. $5.50 please. Really wanting to hold up our principle, but wanting to go the center even more, we just paid. I spied on all the Mexicans coming on the bus as they paid, and none of them paid $5.50. Once again, we were jacked. All the meanwhile we’re trying to figure out a strategy to look more “Mexicana.” That includes not wearing sunglasses, wearing tighter jeans, and oh yeah, having a skin tanning treatment. Well the last is impossible for me. Shoutout to pale skin.
The bus ride back, again we’re charged $5.50. Ok, now we think something’s up. Could the fare have been raised??
At dinner that night, I made the conversation center around bus fares (riveting), and what do I find out that this weekend bus fares have been RAISED TO $5.50. Of course. Now instead of someone who stands up for her principles, I’m an American gabacha a-hole. Figures.
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