HARRY POTTER!!!!!! Today (Saturday, 7/18) I had my first day off, and where do the volunteers decide to go but to see one of teh best blockbusters of all time. The group and I wanted to make sure that we could catch Harry Potter VI in English, so we asked around. "Oh, yeah yeah," people said, "of course it's in English in all the movie theaters." We arrived for the 8pm showing only to find out that only "Harry Potter and the Misterio del Principe" was showing. But hey, when in Mexico do as the Mexicans do. And despite only understanding half, having to whispter to my friend the whole time as we recalled the book together, and missing Daniel Radcliff's British accent, the experience was amazing. Props to Warner Brothers. Arry Puter (as I have to say Harry Potter here for the kids to understand me) was worth it.
And who cares - I've got a pirated copy of the English version waiting for me on every street corner in the center of town.
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