Every other week, I work nights. Meaning, instead of getting off at 8pm at dinner, I get off at 9:30pm on weekdays and 11pm on weekends because I put the kids to bed.
Between dinner and bedtime, the sun sets and darkness sets upon all the nooks and crannies. This means one thing for high schoolers: PRIME MAKE OUT TIME when they can hide. Thus, one of the my responsibilities for the night shift includes make-out control. On my nightly rounds, I have had the pleasure of finding many a couple engaging in the exploring their loved ones.
How fun it is to yell “Oye, vete” (Hey you, get out of here) when I find a couple and watch their guilty saunter back to the lighted patio. Only negative: walking to the garbage piles. A necessity, as kids who want to do the deed are rumored to do so amongst the trash. When I explore over there, the smell of the garbage is the least of my fears, if you know what I mean. Fortunately, my eyes and ears have not been scared by my voyages to the garbage pit. I pray it stays that way, for their sake as well as mine.